Sabtu, Juli 25

Backpacking Part 2 : This Is Pangandaran

Berikut adalah beberapa koleksi foto yang gw ambil saat Backpacking...

Keunggulan pangandaran, adalah terdapatnya pantai barat dan pantai timur.
Sehingga bukan hanya sunset, kita juga bisa melihat sunrise!
Dan tentang sepeda, emang enak banget buat diajak keliling2 pangandaran.
Tadinya biaya sewanya 10ribu perjam, tapi berhasil kita tawar jadi 30ribu seharian ;)
Langit Pangandaran begitu biru ketika siang, dan formasi2 awan dapat terlihat dengan jelas.
Saat malam, sang biru digantikan oleh lautan bintang, yang jarang sekali dapat kita lihat di kota besar...

Gw sempat naik kapal yang berjejer di sepanjang pantai barat pangandaran.
Seru juga naik kapal sambil loncat2 diterjang ombak.
Tapi awas jangan ketipu kayak gw, buat nganter ke pantai pasir putih di cagar alam, biaya normalnya 5000 perorang, tapi gw bayar 20000 perorang -__-
Yang gw suka dari Pangandaran, pantainya bagaikan cermin! Bagus banget dan masih bersih.
Dulu sebelum Tsunami gw sempet dateng ke pangandaran, dan dulu pangandaran gak sebagus sekarang.

Mulai memasuki sore di Pangandaran. Formasi awannya terlihat begitu jelas.

Dan akhirnya tibalah waktu sunset. Dengan indahnya, pantai barat yang seperti cermin memantulkan bayangan matahari. Sehingga sunset yang terlihat dua kali lebih terang.

Dan ketika sunset, langit di seberang matahari berubah menjadi keungu-unguan...

Backpacking Part 1 : Rules Of Backpacking

PS: Finally got the time to stay home all day and show to the world that this site is still running! Hahaha enjoy then! In Bahasa Indonesia hehe

Seperti yang bisa dibaca pada postingan blog sebelumnya, akhirnya gw jadi Backpacking men! Meski cuma sampai Pangandaran-yang ternyata cukup berat juga mengingat ini backpacking pertama gw-hasilnya sangat-sangat mengesankan.

FYI; keseluruhan biaya transport, akomodasi, makan, dll gw selama backpacking 5 hari ini cuma sekitar Rp300ribu. Murah kan? Nyesel yang pada ga ikut hahahaha

Rule of Backpacking #1: Transportasi murah penting, tapi tanggung resikonya
Bukan backpacking namanya kalo bawa mobil sendiri. Kita berempat, Gw, Rama, Aji, dan Resty berangkat dari stasiun Jatinegara jam 9 malam dengan kereta ekonomi Serayu, tujuan Banjar.

Biaya perjalanan 8 jam tsb cuma Rp20ribu. Dan 20ribu, punya konsekwensinya sendiri.

Yang namanya naik kereta ekonomi itu, perlu hati yang sabar, sikap yang mawas, dan kemampuan untuk tidur dalam kondisi ekstrem. Kenapa? Karena waktu itu aja diantara kita berempat cuma gw yang bisa tidur di tengah tebalnya asap rokok, teriakan pedagang2, bahaya copet, dan panas tengiknya atmosfer kereta.

Yah, kira2 orang2 seperti inilah yang bakal kita temuin di Kereta Ekonomi:
>>Orang di depan Resty dan Aji rupanya gak mau kalah sama asap kereta api dan terus2an ngerokok selama 8 jam.
>>Orang daerah yang kelewat ramah atau emang punya kecenderungan curhat colongan
Contoh nyata kasus :
Dia : Permisi...
Gw : Oh iya silahkan duduk mas.. Mau ke mana mas?
Dia : Kroya dek. Saya ke Jakarta mau ketemu pacar saya..
Gw : Oh iya mas..
Dia : Iya, tapi saya pulang lagi soalnya pacar saya gak mau nemuin saya..
Gw : Eh.. Ha?
Dia : Dia ngumpet di kosannya, ga mau nemuin saya. Ternyata saya difitnah sama sahabat saya.. Sahabat saya di makassar, sering telpon2an sama pacar saya, ngejelekin saya..
Gw : Oh.. Astagfirullah, jahat banget..
Dia : Iya.. padahal saya udah hampir nikah.. dan bla bla bla bla
Gw : ---_____________________---
>>Pedagang yang agresif..
Ibu Pedagang : Nasi Ayam.. Nasi Ayam.. Paha.. Dada.. Paha.. Dada.. Bisa juga dapet paha dada penjualnya..
Kenapa dek? Mau paha? Sini saya suapin..

Rule of Backpacking #2 : Mintalah bantuan orang sekitar untuk dapat penginapan murah
Akhirnya, setelah 8 jam perjalanan Jakarta-Banjar lewat kereta, dilanjutkan perjalanan 3 jam lewat angkot dari Banjar, sampailah kita di Pangandaran.
Sesampainya kita di gerbang pantai pangandaran, kita naik becak untuk sekalian dicarikan penginapan murah. Sebenernya, dari yang gw baca di blog lain para abang becak ini bersekongkol dengan pemilik penginapan untuk dapat uang promosi, dan ujung2nya harga penginapan kita jadi lebih mahal. Tapi menurut gw itu worth it, karena darimana lagi kita bisa dapat info penginapan murah dan layak?

Rule of Backpacking #3 : Syarat penginapan : murah, dekat ke objek wisata, dan kamar mandinya layak!
Penginapan gw dihargai 100ribu rupiah permalamnya. Kamar mandinya layak, dan letaknya dekat dengan pantai. Jadi menurut gw 100ribu itu sangat lumayan karena kita bagi berempat. Buat backpacking yang lebih cadas lagi, gw saranin untuk membawa sleeping bag, sehingga lantaipun bisa dijadikan kasur darurat.

Nah, seperti apakah pantai pangandaran yang sudah jauh2 kita datangi?
To Be Continued.....

Rabu, Juli 8

Ready and Get Set

I wonder if anybody actually still read this blog, hehe. I have been ignoring this blog for quite a while.
By the way, I'll be gone for backpacking from tonight until Sunday 12th July. It's a short trip to Pangandaran and Batu Karas. The four of us, Rama, Resty, Aji, and me will be using train, angkot, and other public transportation. Wish us luck!
It's gonna be my first backpacking ever! Consider it as a warmup for my actual desire; Europe/Asia Backpacking. Hehehe.. AMEN

Jumat, Juni 19


Went to the Zoo, the big one. Yup, Taman Safari Indonesia.
Lots and lots and lots of fun, now I find myself wanting to keep a Giraffe.

Jumat, Juni 5


For each of every person in each of every picture on this video,
Thank you for those three amazing years.


Kamis, Mei 28

Maju Film Indonesia

Glad to see that beside our country's all-messed-up music industries, the movie industries seems to be making some breakthrough.

What I meant to say is, these Indonesian-themed movie trailers really giving me the chill down my frickin' spine!

Note that the second movie it's actually directed by a foreigner, and the first (and the most impressive) movie it's actually struggling it's way to be shown in Indonesia because of no support! (currently will be shown in London)
Oh come on you money-oriented art-senseless Indonesian publisher! We had enough of cheap horror or cheesy teen flicks or embarassing erotical shits!


Sabtu, Mei 23

Movies #2

It's actually funny that now I have more busier days than there was during pre-exam period. 
So frickin' busy that I only had watched three movies in the past 3 weeks. Three frickin' movie!
Anyway, here's the review. 

Crank : High Voltage
(+) I laughed all the time. Yeah.. good laugh.
(-) Wait a second, i wasn't supposed to laugh.. I'm expecting a bad-ass action movie! Is this a comedy? Am I in the right studio??
(-) Dammit! It is Crank 2! Dang the directors, what have you done? You're turning Jason Statham into a total dickhead! Totally ruined his image you fool.
(+) At least it's still as bad-ass as it seems, but like, you know, in a totally different way.

Night At The Museum 2 : Battle Of The Smithsonians
(+) Epic enough to make me stay awake, funny enough to make me laugh.
(-) Okay, probably my laughter is affected by my surrounding, I mean, I watched this along with twenty of my classmates.
(-) Now it's really getting crowded. No, not the theater, but the movie! How many more character will show up? What's next? Michael Jackson?
(-) And in the end it's all about teaching us to do what we love for living. Hey, I thought Hollywood'd done with that? Totally c-h-e-e-s-y dude.
(+) Gotta love that Darth Vader though, bravo.

(  ) This movie is like, morally wrong in any aspect. Wait a minute, is it a minus or plus then? Hehehe
(+) Gotta love how Ewan McGreggor narating his story. Epic.
(-) Some dialogues made me lost. Pardon my bad english then.
(+) Some mise-en-scene is really disturbing. A good kind of disturbing. Like how the main character is flushing himself down the toilet. Danny Boyle is a genius. 
(-) I really don't get what this movie is all about. Potraying negative sides of the britains? Teaching us to stay away from drugs? Nah, must be somethin else that I shouldn't care about.


Please visit our website!
It's my project along with Rama, Ryan, Ghani, and Dimas.
Go and purchase our exclusive shirt and stuffs, in a reasonable price!
What are you waiting for??!

For God's sake, just click on the image already.

Sabtu, Mei 16


Okay, here's the thing.
Actually, me and my friend are planning to start a clothing business.
Naaah don't think about bags or shoes or hoodies or shit, we just wanna sell some tees with our own original design on it.
And here I am sharing some original design I found while looking for some inspiration on the net

Pretty neat eh?
Okay probably not, cause my design will be better! (HAHAHA) *slap*
Now I just have to turn on the shut-the-fuck-up-and-get-your-ass-off mode

Jumat, Mei 15

The dude is still here!
This blog is not dead!

I've been busy with my part time job, freelance activity, and my hopefully-will-start-soon business.
And i've been doing quite a lot of chaos with my Lumix camera. 
I promised myself to post them soon, so meanwhile why don't you click on the picture below, I made it and it's related to my freelance activities.

Thank you for still visiting! ^^ 

Minggu, April 19

UAN already? dang it!

i'll be having them on my menu for the next five days
yes, such a lame way to end these 12 years of uniform
please wish me and my fellow classmates a 100% pass, dude!

Kamis, April 16

Highschool for Fish

Once upon a day there was a fish got mistakenly tranfered to a human school.
Each day the fish met funny, happy, clumsy, and playful faces of its classmates.
The fish would never ever forget those days ever.

I Love Highschool.

Selasa, April 14

Unofficially Hemispherical

Out of boredom, i've found a new way in using my Lumix.
So my lumix was given with this digital wide lens w/ macro.
Then while fooling around at Kevin's, I separated the lens, and used it backwards. And voila! I got myself an unofficial fisheye lens.
It's not entirely fisheye, but hell with it, it is still fun to use anyway.

Sabtu, April 11

Ride With The Night

Have you ever thought,
while riding alone in an usual night,
that apart from the lights, soul, and excitement that streets offer,
why did you chose to be here in this cold metal box?

"It's the sense of touch.
We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something." (Det. Graham Waters - Crash (2004))

Jumat, April 10

Finally! I tought I will never get any.

My baby is called Panasonic Lumix DMC-F27, a semi-SLR
Deepest thanks for Uncle Ben for the sudden gift :)
Finally i've got my cam! Cool!


I am fooling round on the net all night and suddenly it's already frikin' 6 am in the morning!
I spend the whole night watching short flicks on youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, etc and this is the one that can really touch me.


And this, well I just think it's really cool (altough I managed to predict the ending).


Well, there's a lot more on the net, you may find them yourself.
As for me now.. *Yaaawn* Hmm.. Breakfast or sleep?

I've got accepted in STEI ITB.
My dream has came true.
However, celebration was never been this bitter.
Why? It's because i'm too selfish.
I'm too fucking selfish, that I wanted all my closest friends to be accepted and goes to the same college with me, when we know that I can't have all I want.
So Dear God, Allah SWT, if there's limit in the number of my wishes, this would be my last wish;
Make their dreams come true.

Amiin YaRobbal 'Alamiin

Minggu, Maret 22

I Was Dancing On The Seafloor

I want Jellyfish as a pet.
Why? Because they're awesome. 
First, they're uncommon to kept. 
Also, they're heavenly beautiful but demonic deadly at the sametime.
They're like, translucent, and can glow in the dark, and have mimicry ability like chameleon (okay, they actually don't but why ruins the mood, right?).
And they make a good dance partner.
If I have one, I will take them to my prom and my friends are gonna be jealous of me

Okay, I admit, I want them just because I saw them on Seven Pounds.

Senin, Maret 16

About these past few weeks...

Sick of those answer sheets!
I've been dealing with SIMAK UI and USM ITB (please wish me luck!)
and there are two weeks in a row of UAN try outs slipped in between.
And like all of those is not enough to make somebody's brain disfunctioned, now I am entering the THIRD week of try out.

Right now, it'll be amusing if some terrorist blew up the East Jakarta's education department or whoever deals with these stuff. (kidding, goverment!)

Senin, Februari 9


In many years to come...

You may have became a millionaire
You may even have became a trillionaire
You may have broken the world record of prosperity and had your name written
on the guiness book of records

You may win a world champion title
You may have scored a hatrick at the world cup
and you're the one who's holding the cup while your team mates hold you

You may be singing your song at your own concert
with thousands of fans screaming, hailing, singing along
You may have sold a triple platinum record distributed worldwide
You may be bigger than the beatles was

You may have became a well-known artist
Your arts may have inspired and touched many people
You may have created your brand-new and fresh stream of art
and had you-dedicated gallery built somewhere

You may have released a best-seller book
Which will be developed into a motion picturey
Where the director and scriptwriter will be... you!
And gladly the film will receive mostly positive critical receptions

You may have traveled around the world
Where you had been brave enough to ride a whale
or to climb mount everest
or to found an undiscovered pyramid
also to live harmonically with the amazonians
and to see all wonders of the earth, from TajMahal to Chichen Itza
You may even have landed your feet on the moon
moreover, you may even have traveled over-galaxies!

You may have found the solution to anticipate global warming
or the cure for cancer
or the missing link in the evolution timeline
or the solution for time/space continuum enigma
or the treaty that will guaranteed world peace
or, for what it's worth, a time machine!

You may have this glass cabinet
where there stand your pulitzer certificates
or your grammy
or your oscars
or even your nobels!
You may have saved the humanity
and became the leader of the world

You may be... awesome

All it takes is the power to dream
and the spirit to make it come true

In many years to come.... you can be all that
Or you also may be sitting on your chair at your old days,
regretting of what you could have been in the past.

You wouldn't want that, would you?

Minggu, Januari 11

Some People Dance

Some people were born to sit by a river
Some get struck by lightning
Some have an ear for music
Some are artists
Some swim
Some know buttons
Some know Shakespeare
Some are mothers
and some people, dance

~Benjamin Button

Minggu, Januari 4


I'm Not There
Marcus Carl Franklin, Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Ben Whishaw, Richard Gere, and Cate Blanchett potrays Bob Dylan in each stages of his life.
+ The soundtrack rocks!
- If you're not familiar with the lives of Bob Dylan, i suggest reading the whole movie synopsis in wikipedia before watching
-/+ Smart dialogue that's not easy to catch, i had to actually watch it twice

+ Loud, loud, standing applause for Cate Blanchett. Her acting was so convincing, I don't think any other male--or less-talented female--could give such power in her character.

+ I don't even know who Marcus Carl Franklin is, yet his acting was so mature for a boy in his age. Kinda like watching mini Denzel Washington.

Best Quote
"Beware of enthusiasm and of love, both are temporary and quick to sway" ~Arthur Rimbaud
5 out of 5