Senin, Februari 9


In many years to come...

You may have became a millionaire
You may even have became a trillionaire
You may have broken the world record of prosperity and had your name written
on the guiness book of records

You may win a world champion title
You may have scored a hatrick at the world cup
and you're the one who's holding the cup while your team mates hold you

You may be singing your song at your own concert
with thousands of fans screaming, hailing, singing along
You may have sold a triple platinum record distributed worldwide
You may be bigger than the beatles was

You may have became a well-known artist
Your arts may have inspired and touched many people
You may have created your brand-new and fresh stream of art
and had you-dedicated gallery built somewhere

You may have released a best-seller book
Which will be developed into a motion picturey
Where the director and scriptwriter will be... you!
And gladly the film will receive mostly positive critical receptions

You may have traveled around the world
Where you had been brave enough to ride a whale
or to climb mount everest
or to found an undiscovered pyramid
also to live harmonically with the amazonians
and to see all wonders of the earth, from TajMahal to Chichen Itza
You may even have landed your feet on the moon
moreover, you may even have traveled over-galaxies!

You may have found the solution to anticipate global warming
or the cure for cancer
or the missing link in the evolution timeline
or the solution for time/space continuum enigma
or the treaty that will guaranteed world peace
or, for what it's worth, a time machine!

You may have this glass cabinet
where there stand your pulitzer certificates
or your grammy
or your oscars
or even your nobels!
You may have saved the humanity
and became the leader of the world

You may be... awesome

All it takes is the power to dream
and the spirit to make it come true

In many years to come.... you can be all that
Or you also may be sitting on your chair at your old days,
regretting of what you could have been in the past.

You wouldn't want that, would you?

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

keren : ) sukses ya kaak