Sabtu, Mei 23

Movies #2

It's actually funny that now I have more busier days than there was during pre-exam period. 
So frickin' busy that I only had watched three movies in the past 3 weeks. Three frickin' movie!
Anyway, here's the review. 

Crank : High Voltage
(+) I laughed all the time. Yeah.. good laugh.
(-) Wait a second, i wasn't supposed to laugh.. I'm expecting a bad-ass action movie! Is this a comedy? Am I in the right studio??
(-) Dammit! It is Crank 2! Dang the directors, what have you done? You're turning Jason Statham into a total dickhead! Totally ruined his image you fool.
(+) At least it's still as bad-ass as it seems, but like, you know, in a totally different way.

Night At The Museum 2 : Battle Of The Smithsonians
(+) Epic enough to make me stay awake, funny enough to make me laugh.
(-) Okay, probably my laughter is affected by my surrounding, I mean, I watched this along with twenty of my classmates.
(-) Now it's really getting crowded. No, not the theater, but the movie! How many more character will show up? What's next? Michael Jackson?
(-) And in the end it's all about teaching us to do what we love for living. Hey, I thought Hollywood'd done with that? Totally c-h-e-e-s-y dude.
(+) Gotta love that Darth Vader though, bravo.

(  ) This movie is like, morally wrong in any aspect. Wait a minute, is it a minus or plus then? Hehehe
(+) Gotta love how Ewan McGreggor narating his story. Epic.
(-) Some dialogues made me lost. Pardon my bad english then.
(+) Some mise-en-scene is really disturbing. A good kind of disturbing. Like how the main character is flushing himself down the toilet. Danny Boyle is a genius. 
(-) I really don't get what this movie is all about. Potraying negative sides of the britains? Teaching us to stay away from drugs? Nah, must be somethin else that I shouldn't care about.

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